Our latest online learning platform is continuing to be developed and is coming along nicely. We have welcomed back Philip Schlup as our senior integrations developer. He’ll be making sure that Bracken plays nicely with our clients’ systems to make the learning journey seamless for the end user. The development team are working hard to polish the individual pieces that will help us roll it out in the not too distant future. Stay tuned for updates!
We have been busy building content for clients, recently including:
Click the image of Golf New Zealand's new website to visit the site. If your company's website is also due for a refresh,
get in touch with us.
"The wonderful team at Bracken have just completed a total refresh of our Golf Tutor online presence, with a brand new Duda design and functionality and Bracken Learning landing page. Richard Fogarty, as our Bracken Manager, was outstanding in his communication, willingness to adopt what we were seeking to achieve, and thoughtful and accurate in giving us advice to help us along the way. During this time, the other clever people at Bracken were always there to help us and we are delighted with the result that has been achieved for us. Thank you Richard, thank you Bracken."
- Murray Macklin, Golf New Zealand
Another focus for us this year is researching and implementing things we can do as a company to be more sustainable and help reduce our carbon footprint. Grace recently attended a presentation by Dr Inga Smith and Sara Walton from the University of Otago, who discussed what climate change means for Dunedin, and suggested ways to take action on climate-related issues.
As a company, there are some things we already do well in terms of sustainability. By helping businesses deliver training online, Bracken provides an alternative to paper-based learning. Additionally, learning via Bracken can be completed anywhere, anytime, which reduces the need for transport to staff trainings. However, we are aware that we need to do more to work towards a low-carbon future. We plan to continually monitor our environmental impact and put plans in place to ensure we are a sustainable, environmentally conscious company.
"The wonderful team at Bracken have just completed a total refresh of our Golf Tutor online presence, with a brand new Duda design and functionality and Bracken Learning landing page. Richard Fogarty, as our Bracken Manager, was outstanding in his communication, willingness to adopt what we were seeking to achieve, and thoughtful and accurate in giving us advice to help us along the way. During this time, the other clever people at Bracken were always there to help us and we are delighted with the result that has been achieved for us. Thank you Richard, thank you Bracken."
- Murray Macklin, Golf New Zealand
The crisp air and golden hues of autumn are beginning to show. As the days get cooler and the mornings darker, you might find your gravitation towards a hot cup of coffee is stronger. Some of our team attended a barista training course at Strictly Coffee here in Dunedin a few weeks ago. The knowledgeable Shelley taught us how to master an espresso and perfect our latte art.
Take us up on our coffee offer next time you pop into our office!
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